We “CAN” Help the Carribean!

Our amazing students, faculty and staff, helped with our annual food can drive.  These cans are taking a trip all the way to Jamaica!  We are working with a program at Calabar High School. This school has been in existence for 102 years and is an “all boys” school which has students from all over the islands, many of whom are very needy but are smart enough to have a scholarship to attend the school. There are over 1000 students and many choose to stay and not go home for Christmas due to family problems, lack of money, or a drive to excel at athletics by attending the Christmas Camp!

Thanks for helping to make a difference!



Whole Foods Field Trip

Students learned about the importance of healthy eating and the effects it’s has in our society. They were able to sample several types of foods from goat cheese to quinoa salad. Our students walked away with further knowledge regarding organic food, proteins, nutrients, and cholesterol. Hopefully each of our kids will make healthier and wiser choices in the future.
